Purdue Extension Agriculture Agronomy The Kernel Corny News Compendium

Corny News Compendium

One of the great characteristics of the Web is its ability to serve as a repository of historical information that is accessible at the click of a mouse. This "Corny News Compendium" archives the agronomic articles published by yours truly online since 1995, with some additional others written by some of my colleagues here at Purdue. There is value to preserving these articles because the problems and issues they speak to repeat themselves in corn fields somewhere every year. Even though you may not have seen a particular problem before, chances are I have come across it during my nearly 40 years of walking corn fields.

The articles are grouped by topic areas in the sidebar list to the left on large screen devices or by clicking the menu icon in the upper right corner on small screen devices. Jump directly to the topic of your choice or simply scroll down the main page and browse.

NOTE: These articles were originally published on my popular Chat 'n Chew Cafe Web site until that was replaced by "The Kernel", a corn information Web site created and maintained by Dr. Daniel Quinn who succeeded me as the State Extension Corn Specialist in May 2021.

Coffee cups plus Laurence Peter quote

R.L. (Bob) Nielsen
Professor Emeritas
Department of Agronomy, Purdue University
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2054
Twitter: @PurdueCornGuy

Reasonably New Articles

  1. Not All "Bouquets" Are Beautiful (2006, updated 2025)
  2. Interpreting Corn Hybrid Maturity Ratings in the U.S. (2025)
  3. Converting Wet Corn Weight to Dry Corn Weight (2024)
  4. Early Season Hot Spells and Corn Grain Yield Potential (2024)
  5. The Planting Date Conundrum for Corn (2024)
  6. Grain Yield Trend Lines: Don't Be Fooled (2024)
  7. Slow Corn Drydown in the Field (2023)
  8. Popped-Kernel and Silk-Cut Symptoms in Corn (2023)
  9. Corn Responses to Drought Stress (2023)
  10. Ear Size Determination in Corn (2023)
  11. Early-Planted Corn & Cold Weather (2023)
  12. Historical Corn Grain Yields in the U.S. (2023)
  13. Corn Response to Starter Fertilizer in Indiana (2023)
  14. Corn Response to Sulfur Fertilizer in Indiana (2023)
Just a kernel! Just a kernel! Just a kernel! Just a kernel! Just a kernel! Just a kernel! Just a kernel! Just a kernel! Just a kernel! Just a kernel! Just a kernel! Just a kernel! Just a kernel! Just a kernel!

YouTube Videos YouTube

  1. Yield Response to Plant Populations in Corn (2023)
  2. Corny Reflections on Agronomic Extension & Research (2022)
  3. What We Know & What We Don't Know About Corn Response to Sulfur in Indiana (2021)
  4. Filter the Kool-Aid Before You Drink It! (2021)
  5. Crop Resilience to "Normal" Weather (2021)
  6. High Yield Corn: Philosophies and Strategies (2021)
    1. Full YouTube video (1:04:03)
      1. Part 1 (24:10)
      2. Part 2 (27:30)
      3. Part 3 (26:28)
  7. On-farm Research: Why and How? (2020)
  8. Historical Indiana Planting Dates and Yield Trends (2019)
  9. Late Corn Planting Considerations (2019)
  10. Drought During Corn Pollination (2012)
  11. Ear Shake Test to Determine Corn Pollination Progress (2012)

General information about corn

  1. Grain Yield Trend Lines: Don't Be Fooled (2024)
  2. Historical Corn Grain Yields in the U.S. (2023)
  3. Maximum Weekly Planting Progress for Corn and Soybean in Indiana: Has It Increased Over Time? (2022)
  4. Corn, the Great American Crop (2013)
  5. Corn Management for Extreme Conditions (2012)
  6. A Compendium of Biotech Corn Traits (2010)
  7. A Tale of Three Cropping Seasons (2009)
  8. Mitigate the Downside Risks of Corn Following Corn (2007)
  9. Differences in Stalk Decomposition During the Off-Season (1998)
  10. Isn't It A-Maize-ing! (1998)

Ear abnormalities

  1. Not All "Bouquets" Are Beautiful (2006, updated 2025)
  2. Popped-Kernel and Silk-Cut Symptoms in Corn (2023)
  3. Kernel Red Streak in Corn (2017)
  4. Multiple Ears on the Same Shank (2014)
  5. Blunt Ear Syndrome....Again! (2009)
  6. Arrested Ears Resulting From Pre-Tassel Applications of Pesticide & Spray Additive Combinations (2008)
  7. Possible Potential for Arrested Ear Development (2008)
  8. Symptomology of Arrested Ear Development in Corn (2007)
  9. Arrested Ear Development (Again!) (2004)
  10. Blunt Ear Syndrome in Corn (2003)
  11. 'Beer Can' Ear Syndrome - 2001(2001)
  12. It’s Never Too Late to Walk Your Fields (2000)
  13. What A MESS! (aka Multiple Ears on a Single Ear Shank) (1999)
  14. Translucent Kernel Syndrome (1999)
  15. Photo Gallery: Translucent Kernel Syndrome (1999)
  16. Beer-Can Ear Syndrome in Corn (1996)
  17. Photo Gallery: Another Example of Beer-Can Ears in Corn (1996)

Early season (mostly stand establishment) problems

  1. Early Season Hot Spells and Corn Grain Yield Potential (2024)
  2. Early-Planted Corn & Cold Weather (2023)
  3. Rootless or "Floppy" Corn Syndrome (2022)
  4. Prevalent Purple Plants Perennially Puzzle Producers (2022)
  5. Emergence Problems in Corn (2022)
  6. Silver Leaf Symptom in Corn (2021)
  7. Soil Temperature & Corn Emergence (2021)
  8. First Frost, Next Seedling Blight? (2020)
  9. Root Development in Young Corn (2020)
  10. Requirements for Uniform Germination and Emergence of Corn (2020)
  11. Cold Soils & Risk of Imbibitional Chilling Injury in Corn (2020)
  12. The Emergence Process in Corn (2020)
  13. Yellow Tops and Twisted Whorls in Corn (2019)
  14. Visual Indicators of Germination in Corn (2019)
  15. Yellow, Stunted Corn... More Than One Possible Cause (2015)
  16. Purple Corn & Red Flags (2013)
  17. A Recipe for Crappy Stands of Corn (2012)
  18. Hot & Dry: Toll on Young Corn Plants? (2012)
  19. Some Ugly Ducklings Grow Up to be Ugly Ducks, Not Beautiful Swans (2010)
  20. Corn and the Ugly Duckling (2010)
  21. Early Planted Corn Feeling "Under the Weather" (2008)
  22. Cold Temperatures & Early Planted, Emerged Corn (2007)
  23. Variable Emergence Due to Variable Seedbed Moisture (2007)
  24. Crappy Stands of Corn (2006)
  25. Take Time to Evaluate Corn Stand Establishment (2006)
  26. A Tale of Two Plants (2005)
  27. Some Mid-April Planted Corn in Trouble (2005)
  28. Freeze Injury Potential for Early-Planted Corn (2004)
  29. Dry Topsoil Concerns Some Corn Growers (2004)
  30. Water, Water Everywhere... (2004)
  31. Floppy Corn & Related Symptoms (2004)
  32. Over-Extended Mesocotyls and Floppy Corn Syndrome (2004)
  33. Wind & Sandblasting Damage to Corn (2003)
  34. Assessing Corn Recovery From Early-Season Damage (2003)
  35. Blue Skies Smiling On Me... (2003)
  36. No-Till Corn Planting Trash Talk (2003)
  37. Corn Rootworm Injury to Very Young Corn: Photos (2002)
  38. Too Much Dang Stress - Recap (2002)
  39. Some Corn Afflicted With TMDS Syndrome (2002)
  40. Episode II: Attack of the Clods (2002)
  41. Diagnosing Stand Establishment Problems in Corn (2002)
  42. Gearing Up for Crop Diagnostics 2002 (2002)
  43. Early-Planted Corn & Potential for Freeze Injury (2003)
  44. When Good Corn Fields Turn Bad (2001)
  45. Siamese Twins in Corn? (2000)
  46. Spiraling Sub-Surface Seedlings (2000)
  47. Uneven Corn Fields (1999)
  48. Soil Temperature, Corn Emergence, & Stand Problems (1999)
  49. Erotic Corn Fields (1998)
  50. MULE Damage is Back! (1996)
  51. More Thoughts on Corn Root Development in 1995. (1995)
  52. Tall Corn, Short Corn, Green Corn, Yellow Corn. (1995)

Mid-season problems

  1. Kernel Set Scuttlebutt (2020)
  2. Notched Leaf Edges in Corn (2020)
  3. Decapitation of Corn Plants by Deer (2020)
  4. Blue Skies... Not smiling on me (2015)
  5. Damage to Corn Plants by Strong Winds (2013)
  6. Hot & Dry: Stress on the corn crop escalates (2012)
  7. Hot & Dry; More of the Same Not Good for Corn Yield (2012)
  8. An Example of "Recovery" From Severe Root-Lodging (2011)
  9. Prospects of Recovery for Root-Lodged Corn (2011)
  10. Corn Suffering From Various Forms of WTMDS Syndrome (2002)
  11. Root Lodging Concerns in Corn (2002)
  12. Root Lodged Corn: Photos (2002)
  13. Timing of Crop Stress is Critical! (2002
  14. Sexual Dysfunction in the Corn Field (2001)
  15. Short Corn at Tasseling (2001)
  16. Scrambled Silks, Anyone? (aka Silk balling)(2000)
  17. Scrambled Silks in Corn: Photos (2000)

Late-season problems

  1. Popped-Kernel and Silk-Cut Symptoms in Corn (2023)
  2. Stress During Grain Fill: A Harbinger of Stalk Health Problems (2021)
  3. Premature Ear Declination in Corn (2020)
  4. Late Planted Corn Not Maturing as Expected (2019)
  5. Frost or Freeze Damage to Immature Corn (2019)
  6. The "Zipper" Pattern of Kernel Abortion in Corn (2019)
  7. Tassel Ears in Corn (2019)
  8. Premature Plant Death Due to Drought Stress: Insult to Injury (2019)
  9. Short Husks & Exposed Ears (2018)
  10. Kernel Red Streak in Corn (2017)
  11. Corn Yield, Frosting, & Cake (2013)
  12. Premature Corn Kernel Sprouting (aka Vivipary) (2012)
  13. Late-Season Hail Damage to Corn (2012)
  14. Opportunities to Assess Yield Potential of Drought-Stressed Corn (2012)
  15. Million Dollar Rain for Some Fields; Not All (2012)
  16. Top Leaf Death or "Dieback" in Corn (2011)
  17. Corn Ear Damage Caused by Bird Feeding (2009)
  18. Reddish-Purple Corn Plants Late in the Season (2009)
  19. Yield Losses and Harvesting Challenges for Severely Lodged Corn (2008)
  20. High Yield Potential Tempered For Some Fields (2004)
  21. Nagging Reminder About Stalk Health Concerns (2003)
  22. Tip Fill Problems in Corn (2003)
  23. Corn Fields Shutting Down (2003)
  24. Stalk Health Issues in Stressed Corn (2003)
  25. Scout Stressed Fields for Root & Stalk Rots (2002)
  26. Poor Kernel Set Symptoms in Corn: Photos (2001)
  27. Pollination Failure Due to Herbicide? (2001)
  28. Scout Fields for Stalk Rots (2001)

Discolored plants

  1. Prevalent Purple Plants Perennially Puzzle Producers (2022)
  2. Silver Leaf Symptom in Corn (2021)
  3. Purple Corn & Red Flags (2013)
  4. Reddish-Purple Corn Plants Late in the Season (2009)
  5. Isn’t Corn Supposed to be Green? (2000)
  6. Corn That's Every color But Green (1996)
  7. More Thoughts on Stunted, Yellow or Purple Corn (1996)

Corn Diseases

  1. First Frost, Next Seedling Blight? (2020)
  2. Safety first! Tips for safely handling moldy corn (2010)
  3. Choose Wisely……Avoid unprofitable strategies to manage moldy grain (2010)
  4. Goss’s Bacterial Wilt Confirmed in Indiana (2008)
  5. Corn Fungicide Hoopla 2008 (2008)
  6. Monitor Corn Fields for Weakened or Diseased Stalks (2007)
  7. Grain Drydown, Stalk Lodging, and Harvest (2005)
  8. Some Mid-April Planted Corn in Trouble (2005)
  9. Stalk Health Concerns (2004)
  10. High Yield Potential Tempered For Some Fields (2004)
  11. Nagging Reminder About Stalk Health Concerns (2003)
  12. Stalk Health Issues in Stressed Corn (2003)
  13. Scout Stressed Fields for Root & Stalk Rots (2002)
  14. Plant Diseases Related to Wet Soils and Late Planting (2002)
  15. Scout Fields for Stalk Rots (2001)
  16. It’s Never Too Late to Walk Your Fields (2000)
  17. Corn Rust - An Epidemic? (2000)
  18. Agronomist Fooled by Disease (2000)
  19. Photo Gallery: Wilt Phase of Stewart's Disease on a Commercial Corn Hybrid (2000)
  20. Once Uniform, Now Uneven (2000)
  21. Photo Gallery: Disease-Related Stand Establishment Problems in Corn (2000)

Drought & heat stress

  1. Corn Responses to Drought Stress (2023)
  2. Premature Ear Declination in Corn (2020)
  3. The "Zipper" Pattern of Kernel Abortion in Corn (2019)
  4. Premature Plant Death Due to Drought Stress: Insult to Injury (2019)
  5. Short Husks & Exposed Ears (2018)
  6. Opportunities to Assess Yield Potential of Drought-Stressed Corn (2012)
  7. Million Dollar Rain for Some Fields; Not All (2012)
  8. Ear Shake Test to Determine Corn Pollination Progress (2012)
  9. Drought During Corn Pollination (2012)
  10. Hot & Dry: Stress on the corn crop escalates (2012)
  11. Hot & Dry: Toll on Young Corn Plants? (2012)
  12. Top Leaf Death or "Dieback" in Corn (2011)
  13. Potential for Corn Recovery from Drought Stress? (2007)
  14. Assessing Effects of Drought on Corn Grain Yield? (2007)
  15. Jumping On To The Drought Bandwagon (2005)
  16. Stalk Health Issues in Stressed Corn (2003)
  17. Scout Stressed Fields for Root & Stalk Rots (2002)
  18. Kernel Abortion Due to Drought Stress (August 2002)
  19. Some Droughty Fields Experiencing Silk Emergence Delay (2002)
  20. Corn Suffering From Various Forms of WTMDS Syndrome (2002)
  21. Y2Dry? Should Indiana Farmers Plan for a 2000 Drought? (2000)
  22. Drought Stress & Corn Silage Decisions (1999)
  23. Thirsty, But Not Dying of Thirst (1999)
  24. Some of Those Corn Plants Are Thirsty! (1996)
  25. Drought & Heat Stress Effects on Corn Pollination (1996)

Soil fertility & plant nutrition

  1. Corn Response to Sulfur Fertilizer in Indiana (2023)
  2. Corn Response to Starter Fertilizer in Indiana (2023)
  3. Keep in mind soil test K and pH are affected by low soil moisture (2022)
  4. Adjust Nitrogen Rate to Maximize Profit in Corn (2022)
  5. Modify Your Plans When Faced with High-Priced Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilizers (2022)
  6. Nitrogen Management Guidelines for Corn in Indiana (2022)
  7. Thoughts on Profitable Fertilizer Rates (2021)
  8. What We Know & What We Don't Know About Corn Response to Sulfur in Indiana (2021)
  9. Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations for Corn, Soybean, Wheat, and Alfalfa (2020)
  10. Choosing The Right Nitrogen Rate For Corn Is Important To Profitability (2020)
  11. Soil Sampling to Assess Current Soil N Availability (2017)
  12. Improving the Efficient Use of Urea-Containing Fertilizers (2017)
  13. Saturated Soils and Supplemental Nitrogen: Research Update (2016)
  14. Corn Stalk Nitrate Tests - Research & Recommendation Update (2014)
  15. Response of Corn to Late-season Nitrogen Application (2011)
  16. Soggy Soils, N Loss, & Supplemental Nitrogen Fertilizer for Corn (2004)
  17. End-of-Season Corn Stalk Nitrate Test (2003)
  18. Fertilizer Reckoning for the Mathematically Challenged (2002)
  19. Optimizing Nitrogen Fertilizer Decisions (2001)

Flooding, saturated soils

  1. Flood or Ponding Damage to Corn Late in the Growing Season (2022)
  2. Effects of Flooding or Ponding on Corn Prior to Tasseling (2022)
  3. Assessing Available Nitrogen from Fall- and Spring-Applied Nitrogen Applications (2017)
  4. Salvageability of Waterlogged Fields of Corn: That's the $64 Question (2015)
  5. Death by Drowning (2010)
  6. Toadstranglers in August: Good or Bad for the Corn Crop? (2008)
  7. Replant Considerations for Flooded Corn (2008)
  8. Rains, Hail, Wind: Déjà vu All Over Again? (2006)
  9. Water, Water Everywhere... (2004)
  10. Soggy Soils, N Loss, & Supplemental Nitrogen Fertilizer for Corn (2004)
  11. Photo Gallery: Bacterial Ear Rot in Corn Due to Flooding (2003)
  12. Photo Gallery: Corn & Soybean Loss From Floods & Ponding (2003)
  13. Rain, Hail, Wind: What Next? (2003)
  14. Seed Furrow Erosion in No-Till Corn (2003)
  15. Delayed Planting Considerations for Corn (2003)
  16. The Impact of Excessive Rainfall on Soybeans (2000)
  17. Soggy Soils Severely Stunt Stands of Corn (2000)
  18. Photo Gallery: Effects of Soggy Soils on Corn Growth (2000)
  19. Saturated Soils Taking Their Toll on Corn (1998)
  20. Post-Flood Syndrome: Interesting Research (1998)
  21. Bacterial Ear Rot in Flooded Corn (1998)

Frost & freeze damage

  1. Early-Planted Corn & Cold Weather (2023)
  2. Silver Leaf Symptom in Corn (2021)
  3. Assessing Frost / Cold Temperature Injury to Young Corn (2020)
  4. Frost or Freeze Damage to Immature Corn (2019)
  5. Delayed Corn Grain Maturity & Frost / Freeze Worries (2019)
  6. Cool Days, Cold Nights, Slow Corn, What's Next? (2009)
  7. Cool Temperatures: Good News or Bad News for Corn? (2009)
  8. Cold Temperatures & Early Planted, Emerged Corn (2007)
  9. A Tale of Two Frosted Plants: Photos (2005)
  10. I've Got the Corny Stand Establishment Blues... (2005)
  11. Stress Continues for Corn Growing Under Refrigerated Conditions: Photos (2005)
  12. Did We Dodge a Frozen Corn Bullet? (2005)
  13. Corkscrewed Corn Seedlings (2004)
  14. Early Frost & Immature Corn Grain (2003)
  15. Risk of Fall Frost Injury to Immature Corn Grain (2002)
  16. Short Corn at Tasseling (2001)
  17. Mother’s Day Frost Causes Some Damage to Indiana Corn and Soybean (2001)
  18. Symptoms of Low Temperature Injury to Corn and Soybean (2001)

Grain fill period

  1. Stress During Grain Fill: A Harbinger of Stalk Health Problems (2021)
  2. Grain Fill Stages in Corn (2021)
  3. Estimating Corn Grain Yield Prior to Harvest (2021)
  4. Kernel Set Scuttlebutt (2020)
  5. Late Planted Corn Not Maturing as Expected (2019)
  6. Frost or Freeze Damage to Immature Corn (2019)
  7. Predicting Corn Grain Maturity Dates for Delayed Plantings (2019)
  8. Field Drydown of Mature Corn Grain (2018)
  9. Warm Nights & High Yields of Corn: Oil & Water? (2018)
  10. Effects of Stress During Grain Filling in Corn (2018)
  11. Cool Temperatures & Grain Yield: Déjà vu for Corn? (2014)
  12. Corn Yield, Frosting, & Cake (2013)
  13. Unseasonably Cool Weather: Good or Bad for Corn During Grain Fill? (2013)
  14. Navigating Through the Grain Fill Period (2010)
  15. Cool Days, Cold Nights, Slow Corn, What's Next? (2009)
  16. Late Planted Corn: Enough Time to Mature? (2008)
  17. Grain Drydown, Stalk Lodging, and Harvest (2005)
  18. Monitor Corn Fields for Weakened or Diseased Stalks (2005)
  19. High Yield Potential Tempered For Some Fields (2004)
  20. Long Ears, Blank Tips (2004)
  21. Tip Fill Problems in Corn (2003)
  22. Corn Fields Shutting Down (2003)
  23. Corn Grain Moisture Outlook - 2003 (2003)
  24. Stalk Health Issues in Stressed Corn (2003)
  25. Scout Stressed Fields for Root & Stalk Rots (2002)
  26. Photo Gallery: Kernel Abortion Due to Drought Stress (August 2002)
  27. Photo Gallery: Poor Kernel Set Symptoms in Corn (2001)
  28. Sexual Dysfunction in the Corn Field (2001)
  29. Pollination Failure Due to Herbicide? (2001)

Growth staging, leaf staging, phenology

  1. Ear Size Determination in Corn (2023)
  2. Heat Unit Concepts Related to Corn Development (2020)
  3. Predicting Corn Grain Maturity Dates for Delayed Plantings (2019)
  4. Tips for Staging Damaged Corn (2019)
  5. Determining Corn Leaf Stages (2019)
  6. Predict Leaf Stage Development in Corn Using Thermal Time (2019)
  7. Corny Growing Points of Interest (2019)
  8. When Will My Corn Crop Mature? (2013)
  9. Some Ugly Ducklings Grow Up to be Ugly Ducks, Not Beautiful Swans (2010)
  10. Corn and the Ugly Duckling (2010)
  11. Corn Crop Continues Slow Progress (2008)
  12. Late Planted Corn: Enough Time to Mature? (2008)
  13. Tillers or "Suckers" in Corn: Good or Bad? (2003)

Stand uniformity, planter maintenance

  1. Effect of Plant Spacing Variability on Corn Grain Yield (2004, rev.2023)
  2. A Recipe for Crappy Stands of Corn (2012)
  3. Variable Emergence Due to Variable Seedbed Moisture (2007)
  4. Take Time to Evaluate Corn Stand Establishment (2006)
  5. Planter Maintenance: Less Down Time, More Yield (2004)
  6. No-Till Corn Planting Trash Talk (2003)
  7. Diagnosing Stand Establishment Problems in Corn (2002)
  8. End-of-Season Planter Care (2002)
  9. Considerations for the Day of Planting (2002)
  10. When Good Corn Fields Turn Bad (2001)
  11. Keep an Eye on Those Corn Plants! (1998)
  12. Planter Issues Relative to Unusually Small Seed Corn (1998)

Hail damage

  1. Recovery From Hail Damage to Young Corn (2015)
  2. Late-Season Hail Damage to Corn (2012)
  3. Photo Gallery: Recovery From Hail Damage (2008)
  4. Rain, Hail, Wind: What Next? (2003)
  5. Options for Hail-Damaged Corn Fields. (1995)

Harvest, grain drydown, yield estimation

  1. Converting Wet Corn Weight to Dry Corn Weight (2024)
  2. Slow Corn Drydown in the Field (2023)
  3. Grain Test Weight Considerations for Corn (2021)
  4. Stress During Grain Fill: A Harbinger of Stalk Health Problems (2021)
  5. Estimating Corn Grain Yield Prior to Harvest (2021)
  6. Wandering Hybrid Syndrome: Yield Monitor Errors (2020)
  7. Wandering Swath Width Syndrome: Yield Monitor Errors (2020)
  8. Identify and Eliminate ""Gremlins"" From Yield Monitor Data (2020)
  9. Yield Monitor Calibration: Garbage In, Garbage Out (2020)
  10. Field Drydown of Mature Corn Grain (2018)
  11. Yield Monitor Calibration Will Be Challenging This Year in Some Indiana Fields (2015)
  12. A Few Things to Do Before Corn Harvest (2014)
  13. Opportunities to Assess Yield Potential of Drought-Stressed Corn (2012)
  14. Safety first! Tips for safely handling moldy corn (2010)
  15. Choose Wisely……Avoid unprofitable strategies to manage moldy grain (2010)
  16. Corn Crop Continues Snail's Pace of Grain Drying & Harvest (2009)
  17. Wet Grain a Surprise to Some Growers (2008)
  18. Yield Losses and Harvesting Challenges for Severely Lodged Corn (2008)
  19. Grain Drydown, Stalk Lodging, and Harvest (2005)
  20. Stalk Health Concerns (2004)
  21. Nagging Reminder About Stalk Health Concerns (2003)
  22. Corn Grain Moisture Outlook - 2003 (2003)
  23. Stalk Health Issues in Stressed Corn (2003)
  24. Scout Stressed Fields for Root & Stalk Rots (2002)
  25. Transgenic Corn Harvest Reminders (2001)
  26. It’s Never Too Late to Walk Your Fields (2000)
  27. Unusual Senescence in Corn: Another Thought (1998)
  28. Final Reminder to Spot Check Corn Fields. (1996)
  29. Thoughts on the 1996 Corn Harvest (1996)

Hybrid selection

  1. Interpreting Corn Hybrid Maturity Ratings in the U.S. (2025)
  2. Hybrid Maturities for Delayed Planting (2022)
  3. Hybrid Selection: Where's the Beef? (2010)
  4. A Compendium of Biotech Corn Traits (2010)
  5. Take Notes from Corn Hybrid Plots (2006)
  6. Take Time Now to Evaluate Hybrid Plots (2005)
  7. Corn Segregation: A Necessary Evil in Today's Biotech Age? (2003)
  8. Hybrid Performance: Take Notes Now (2001)
  9. Take the Time to Wander Crop Variety Plots(2000)
  10. All I Want For Christmas Is……. (1998)

Planting date & replanting issues

  1. The Planting Date Conundrum for Corn (2024)
  2. Hybrid Maturities for Delayed Planting (2022)
  3. Maximum Weekly Planting Progress for Corn and Soybean in Indiana: Has It Increased Over Time? (2022)
  4. Soil Temperature & Corn Emergence (2021)
  5. Corn Replant Considerations (2020)
  6. When Should Corn Planting Begin? (2020)
  7. Predicting Corn Grain Maturity Dates for Delayed Plantings (2019)
  8. Late Corn Planting Considerations (2019) YouTube
  9. Historical Indiana Planting Dates and Yield Trends (2019) YouTube
  10. Some Points to Ponder as You Struggle With Decisions About Late-Planted Corn (2019)
  11. Einstein's Theory of Relativity as it Applies to Soil Moisture (2019)
  12. Soil Compaction: The "Gift" That Keeps on Giving (2019)
  13. Optimum Plant Populations for Delayed Planting of Corn (2019)
  14. Update on "Safe" Hybrid Maturities for Late Plantings (2017)
  15. How Late Can I Replant Corn? (2015)
  16. To Plant or Not to Plant Corn: A Moot Question? (2014)
  17. Time to Park the Corn Planters (2009)
  18. Late Planting & Relative Hybrid Maturity Decisions (2009)
  19. Replanted Corn Fields Catching Up (2006)
  20. Late Planting/Replanting & Relative Hybrid Maturity (2006)
  21. Singin’ From The Same Sheet of Replant Music (2005)
  22. I've Got the Corny Stand Establishment Blues... (2005)
  23. Late Planted Corn: Enough Time to Mature? (2008)
  24. Grain Sorghum Considerations for Late Planting in Southern Indiana (2008)
  25. More Thoughts on Late Corn Planting (2008)
  26. Considerations for Planting Corn into Damaged Fields of Wheat (2007)
  27. Risk of Fall Frost Injury to Immature Corn Grain (2002)
  28. Weather Delays and Rotation Restrictions (2002)
  29. Agronomic Reasons Not to Switch From Corn to Soybean (2002)
  30. Delayed Plantings and Crop Insurance (2002)
  31. Plant Diseases Related to Wet Soils and Late Planting (2002)
  32. Nothing is Growing But the Weeds (2002)
  33. Pest Control in Late-Planted Corn and Soybean (2002)
  34. Use No-till in Delayed Planting of both Corn and Soybean (2002)
  35. Late-Planted Corn & Seeding Rates (2002)
  36. Rainy Days, Soggy Soils, & Idle Planters (2002)
  37. Considerations for the Day of Planting (2002)
  38. Thoughts on Corn Planting Dates (2001)
  39. Corn Planting Fever! (2000)
  40. When the Weather Breaks..... (1996)
  41. Delayed Planting Management Ticklers (1996)
  42. The Mad Rush to Plant Corn (1996)

Plant populations, seeding rates, seeding depth

  1. Optimum Plant Populations for Corn in Indiana (2022)
  2. Soil Moisture & Corn Seed Depth (2021)
  3. Soil Temperature & Corn Emergence (2021)
  4. Optimum Plant Populations for Delayed Planting of Corn (2019)
  5. Yield Response of Corn to Plant Population in Indiana (2019)
  6. Seeding Depth Considerations for Corn (2012)
  7. Late-Planted Corn & Seeding Rates (2002)
  8. Seeding Depth Decisions for Corn (2000)
  9. Don't Let El Niño Influence Your Corn Seeding Rate (1998)
  10. Seed size, Seed Quality, and Planter Adjustments (1996)

Pollination, silking, flowering

  1. A Fast & Accurate Pregnancy Test for Corn (2022)
  2. Silk Emergence (2020)
  3. Tassel Emergence & Pollen Shed (2020)
  4. Tassel Ears in Corn (2019)
  5. Unusually Long Silks in Corn (2018)
  6. Ear Shake Test to Determine Corn Pollination Progress (2012)
  7. Drought During Corn Pollination (2012)
  8. Next Big Hurdle: Pollen Shed and Silking (2012)
  9. Replanted Corn Fields Catching Up (2006)
  10. Warm Enough For You? (2006)
  11. Some Droughty Fields Experiencing Silk Emergence Delay (2002)
  12. Corn Suffering From Various Forms of WTMDS Syndrome (2002)
  13. Scrambled Silks, Anyone? (aka Silk balling) (2000)
  14. Scrambled Silks in Corn (2000)
  15. Effects (or Lack Thereof) of Recent Heat Wave on Corn (1999)

Precision agriculture, on-farm research, UAVs

  1. New FAA Rules on Remote ID for Drones (2021)
  2. On-farm Research: Why and How? (2020)
  3. Wandering Hybrid Syndrome: Yield Monitor Errors (2020)
  4. Wandering Swath Width Syndrome: Yield Monitor Errors (2020)
  5. Identify and Eliminate "Gremlins" From Yield Monitor Data (2020)
  6. Yield Monitor Calibration: Garbage In, Garbage Out (2020)
  7. A Practical Guide to On-Farm Research (2010)
  8. Running Out of Rainy Day Jobs? (2006)
  9. Sparse versus Dense Spatial Data (2000)
  10. Opportunities for Mapping Crop Problem Areas (2000)
  11. Consistent Variability: An Oxymoron or a Requirement for Precision Farming? (2000)
  12. Site-Specific Management of Corn: Perennial versus Sporadic Yield Limiting Factors (1998)
  13. Combine Yield Monitors, A Wonderful Tool, But..... (1995)
  14. Site Specific Seeding Rates for Corn (1995)