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Published 13 July 2006

Rains, Hail, Wind: Déjà vu All Over Again?

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R.L. (Bob) Nielsen
Agronomy Dept., Purdue Univ.
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2054
Email address:

requent and heavy rainfall in recent days has caused flooding of rivers, creeks, and streams throughout parts of Indiana. Large ponded areas exist in fields distant from floodwaters.  Storms in recent weeks have also included damaging winds and hail that caused additional damage to a number of cornfields.

The consequences to grain yield and quality from the damage caused by the flooding/ponding and wind are difficult to pinpoint with much accuracy because little research exists that addresses these chance-occurring yield-limiting factors.  Risks and expectations, however, can be outlined.

Author’s Note: This article is 99% identical to one I first published in July of 2003 following near record rainfall events that caused massive flooding of rivers/creeks as well as extensive ponding in low lying areas of fields. As Yogi Berra once was quoted, "This is like déjà vu all over again."

Related References

Elmore, Roger, Lori Abendroth, and George Cummins. 2006. Greensnap in Iowa. Integrated Crop Management Newsletter. Online at Iowa State Univ. [URL verified 7/13/06].

Hoeft, Robert. 2001. Nitrogen Loss Update. Univ. of Illinois Pest & Crop Bulletin (6/22/01). Online at [URL verified 7/13/06].

Hoeft, Robert. 2002. Predicting/Measuring Nitrogen Loss. Univ. of Illinois Pest & Crop Bulletin (5/17/02). Online at  [URL verified 7/13/06].

Lipps, Pat, Jim Beuerlein, and Dennis Mills. 2003. Potential Wheat Harvest Problems Caused by Persistent Rain. Ohio State Univ. C.O.R.N. (7/7-13/03). Online at [URL verified 7/13/06].

Nielsen, Bob. 2001.  Hail Damage in Corn: Moving Beyond Grief to Damage Assessment. Purdue Univ. Online at [URL verified 7/13/06].

Nielsen, Bob and Gail Ruhl. 1998. Bacterial Ear Rot in Flooded Corn. Purdue Univ. Online at [URL verified 7/13/06].

Thomison, Peter. 2001. Weather Conditions Favorable for "Green Snap". Ohio State Univ. C.O.R.N. (6/18-24/01). Online at [URL verified 7/13/06].

Vorst, Jim. 1993. Assessing Hail Damage to Corn. Purdue Univ. Extension Publication NCH-1. Online at [URL verified 7/13/06].


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