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Published 13 July 2006
Rains, Hail, Wind: Déjà vu All Over Again?
and heavy rainfall in recent days has caused flooding of rivers, creeks, and
streams throughout parts of Indiana. Large ponded areas exist in fields distant
from floodwaters. Storms in recent weeks have also included damaging winds
and hail that caused additional damage to a number of cornfields.
The consequences to grain yield and quality from the damage caused by the flooding/ponding
and wind are difficult to pinpoint with much accuracy because little research
exists that addresses these chance-occurring yield-limiting factors. Risks
and expectations, however, can be outlined.
- Rules of thumb suggest that corn and soybean crops inundated by standing
water may only survive a few days with the 90-degree temperatures that are
forecast during the coming 5-7 days. Oxygen deprivation quickly results in
significant deterioration and death of above- and below-ground plant tissue.
- Further physical crop damage (soil erosion, washing away of plants, lodging
of plants, and plant tissue damage) occurs from the force of the flowing water
on land adjacent to flooded creeks and rivers as well as from any debris caught
up in the floodwaters.
- Severe lodging of wheat yet unharvested will result in yield loss due to
mechanical harvesting difficulties and/or reduction in grain quality due to
weathering and sprouting of grain (Lipps et al. 2003). The quality of wheat
straw harvested from these ponded areas will also be lower.
- Deposits of sediment and crop residues often remain on crop plants once
the water recedes that either outright smother any surviving plants or greatly
reduce their ability to capture sunlight and photosynthesize carbohydrates.
- Mud and crud that cakes the leaves and stalks encourage subsequent development
of fungal and bacterial diseases in damaged plant tissue. When Deer Creek
(Carroll County) flooded severely in August of 1998, adjacent fields of corn
that were in the initial stages of pollination subsequently developed severe
bacterial ear rots following inundation by flood waters at or above the ear
level of the plants (Nielsen & Ruhl, 1998).
- Crops that survive less severe bouts of ponding and saturated soils will
nonetheless suffer significant damage to their root systems. The immediate
effects will be stunting of plant development. In the longer term, root systems
compromised by ponding and saturated soils now will be less able to sustain
the crops IF drought conditions would develop later in the growing season.
- For corn, damage to its root system now will predispose the crop to the
development of root and stalk rots later by virtue of the photosynthetic stress
imposed by the limited root system during the important grain filling period
following pollination. Monitor affected fields later in August for the possible
development of stalk rots and modify harvest-timing strategies accordingly.
- Loss of soil nitrate nitrogen in saturated soils due to denitrification
or leaching processes is undoubtedly occurring at significant rates. Estimates
of nitrate-N loss due to waterlogged soil conditions are at least five percent
per day given the current warm soil temperatures (Hoeft, 2002). Some cornfields
in the affected area are still in their rapid growth phase prior to pollination
when nitrogen uptake rates are at their peak. Consequently, some of these
fields currently enduring soggy soil conditions may ultimately develop nitrogen
deficiency symptoms without additional fertilizer applications. Where estimated
nitrogen loss is significant (60 lbs or greater) in fields not yet tasseling
and yield potential is still reasonable, corn may respond to an additional
50 – 80 lbs of applied fertilizer N up to or shortly after tasseling (Hoeft,
- Assessing the effects of hail damage to corn can be challenging. Important
factors include the amount of defoliation and stalk bruising caused by the
hail stones relative to the growth stage of the crop. While hail damage can
result in severe yield losses in corn, most of the time the human eye perceives
greater damage than truly exists. Browse the two references listed below (Nielsen,
2001; Vorst, 1993) on hail damage assessment for more information.
- Wind damage to corn has occurred either as stalk breakage (aka “green snap”)
or root lodging (plants uprooted and laying nearly flat to the ground). The
yield effect of “green snap” damage depends on the percentage of field affected
and whether the stalk breakage occurs above or below the ear, but is usually
serious regardless. Obviously, stalk breakage below the ear results in zero
yield for that plant. Stalk breakage above the ear results in significant
yield loss due to the loss of upper canopy photosynthesis capacity for that
plant. Root lodged corn will recover or straighten up to varying degrees depending
on the growth stage of the crop. Generally, younger corn has a greater ability
to straighten up with minimal “goose-necking” than older corn. Yield effects
of root lodging depend on whether soil moisture remains adequate for root
regeneration, the severity of root damage due to the uprooting nature of root
lodging, and the degree of “goose-necking” that develops and its effect on
the harvestability of the crop.
Author’s Note:
This article is 99% identical to one I first published in July of 2003 following
near record rainfall events that caused massive flooding of rivers/creeks as
well as extensive ponding in low lying areas of fields. As Yogi Berra once was
quoted, "This is like déjà vu all over again."
Related References
Elmore, Roger, Lori Abendroth, and George Cummins. 2006. Greensnap
in Iowa. Integrated Crop Management Newsletter. Online at http://www.ipm.iastate.edu/ipm/icm/2006/7-10/greensnap.html.
Iowa State Univ. [URL verified 7/13/06].
Hoeft, Robert. 2001. Nitrogen Loss Update. Univ. of
Illinois Pest & Crop Bulletin (6/22/01). Online at http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/bulletin/pastpest/articles/v200113.html [URL
verified 7/13/06].
Hoeft, Robert. 2002. Predicting/Measuring Nitrogen Loss.
Univ. of Illinois Pest & Crop Bulletin (5/17/02). Online at http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/bulletin/pastpest/articles/v200208.html [URL
verified 7/13/06].
Lipps, Pat, Jim Beuerlein, and Dennis Mills. 2003. Potential
Wheat Harvest Problems Caused by Persistent Rain. Ohio State Univ. C.O.R.N.
(7/7-13/03). Online at http://corn.osu.edu/archive/2003/jul/03-21.html
[URL verified 7/13/06].
Nielsen, Bob. 2001. Hail Damage in Corn: Moving Beyond
Grief to Damage Assessment. Purdue Univ. Online at http://www.agry.purdue.edu/ext/corn/news/articles.01/Hail_Damage-0606.html
[URL verified 7/13/06].
Nielsen, Bob and Gail Ruhl. 1998. Bacterial Ear Rot in
Flooded Corn. Purdue Univ. Online at http://www.agry.purdue.edu/ext/corn/news/articles.98/p&c9828.html
[URL verified 7/13/06].
Thomison, Peter. 2001. Weather Conditions Favorable for "Green
Snap". Ohio State Univ. C.O.R.N. (6/18-24/01). Online at http://corn.osu.edu/archive/2001/jun/01-18.html#linkc
[URL verified 7/13/06].
Vorst, Jim. 1993. Assessing Hail Damage to Corn. Purdue
Univ. Extension Publication NCH-1. Online at http://www.agcom.purdue.edu/AgCom/Pubs/NCH/NCH-1.html
[URL verified 7/13/06].
For other information about corn, take a look at the Corn Growers' Guidebook
at http://www.kingcorn.org.
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, Purdue University, an equal
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