Other Products and Publications
Bowling, L. C. and K. A. Cherkauer (2018). The Green, Blue, and Gray Water Rainbow: Our precious, powerful and oft-overlooked commodity. In: J. Eise and K. Foster (ed.) How to Feed the World, pp 24-45. Island Press, Washington, DC.
Cherkauer, K. A., L. C. Bowling, and B. Naz (2013) Watershed Hydrology in Periglacial Environments. In: John F. Shroder (Editor-in-chief), R. Giardino, and J. Harbor (Volume Editors). Treatise on Geomorphology, Volume 8, Glacial and Periglacial Geomorphology,San Diego: Academic Press. pp. 151-172.
Handcock, R. N., C. E. Torgersen, K. A. Cherkauer, A. R. Gillespie, K. Tockner, R. N. Faux, and J. Tan (2012), Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing of Water Temperature in Riverine Landscapes, in Fluvial Remote Sensing for Science and Management, editors P. E. Carbonneau and H. Piegay, John Wiley & Sons, pp 85-114, UK. doi: 10.1002/9781119940791.ch5.
Hayhoe, K. and D. Wuebbles (eds.) (2008), Climate change and Chicago: Projections and potential impacts, K. A. Cherkauer 1 of 21 contributing authors (Chapters 2 and 3), available for download at http://www.chicagoclimateaction.org/pages/research___reports/48.php.
Bowling, L. C., K. A. Cherkauer and J. C. Adam (2008), Current capabilities in soil thermal representations within a large scale hydrology model, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Permafrost, June.
Wuebbles, D., K. Hayhoe and K. A. Cherkauer (2008), Climate change and the upper Mississippi River basin, Proceedings of the Flood Forum, St. Louis University, 11 November.
Ale, S., B. S. Naz, and L.C. Bowling (2007), Mapping of Tile Drains in Hoagland Watershed for Simulating the Effects of Drainage Water Management, Paper number 072144, 2007 ASAE Annual Meeting.
Bohn, T. J., D. P. Lettenmaier, K. Sathulur, and L.C. Bowling, 2007: Large-scale modeling of wetland methane emissions, iLEAPS Newsletter 4, 40-42
Najm, M. A., R. H. Mohtar, K. A. Cherkauer, and B. French (2007), How Can Large-Scale Hydrologic Modeling Enhance Student Learning and Decision Making?, ASABE Annual International Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, June 18, 2007, Paper Number 078007.
Ale, S., L. C. Bowling, S. Brouder, and J. R. Frankenberger (2006), Simulating the effects of drainage water management using DRAINMOD, ASABE Paper Number: 062313, presented in Portland, OR. St. Joseph, MI: ASABE.
Goss, A. M., L. C. Bowling, J. Harbor (2006), Assessing the Historical Impacts of Landscape Transformation on Water Fluxes. Proceeding of American Water Resources Association Spring Specialty Conference: Geographic Information Systems and Water Resources IV, Houston, TX, May.
Frankenberger, J. R., E. Kladivko, R. Adeuya, L. C. Bowling, B. Carter, S. Brouder, J. Lowenberg-DeBoer, and J. Brown (2006), Drainage water management impacts on nitrate load, soil quality, and crop yield, Proc. Innovations in Reducing Nonpoint Source Pollution Conf., Indianapolis, IN, 28-30 Nov.
Mao, D., K. A. Cherkauer, D. C. Flanagan (2006). Large-Scale Impacts of Frozen Soil on Soil Erosion: Coupling the WEPP Model to a Macro-Scale Hydrologic Model, ASABE Paper Number: 062188, presented in Portland, OR. St. Joseph, MI: ASABE.
Frankenberger, J. E. Kladivko, J. Gutwein, R. Adeuya, L. C. Bowling, B. Carter, S. Brouder, J. Lowenberg-DeBoer and J. Brown (2005), On-farm monitoring to assess the impacts of drainage water management, Paper No. 052027, Tampa, Florida: ASABE Annual International Meeting.