Published at the Chat 'n Chew Cafe, July 2000 (Updated Nov 2000)

Corn Yield Trends for Indiana 1930 - 2000

R.L. (Bob) Nielsen
Agronomy Dept., Purdue Univ.
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1150
Email address:

Historical grain yields provide us with a glimpse of yields yet to come, although like the stock markets, past performance is no guarantee of the future. State average corn grain yield in Indiana has increased at a fairly constant 1.6 bushels per acre per year since 1930 primarily due to improved genetics and production technology (Fig. 1).

Indiana's corn crop yield has split even during the past ten years, with half of those years below trend and half above. The November USDA estimate for 2000 puts the 2000 Indiana corn crop at 147 bushels per acre, or 7.8 percent above the 2000 trend line yield. By comparison, other recent dramatic positive departures from trend yield were 1982 (16.9 %), 1987 (16.6 %), 1992 (18.8 %) and 1994 (13.5 %). Corn production estimates for each crop reporting district in Indiana can be found in tabular or graphical formats.

Corn yield trends for Indiana
Fig. 1

While some point to the consistent 1.6 bu/ac/yr yield gain as a comforting signal that growers and researchers are continuing to be successful in their search for ever-increasing yields to feed the hungry world, others point out that the relative annual yield gain has been decreasing for years. Indeed, because the absolute annual yield gain has been relatively consistent, the relative annual yield gain for corn has been steadily decreasing (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2

Annual grain yield values fluctuate above and below the trend line throughout the nearly 70 year period of records, but four disaster years are especially noteworthy. Late planting plus early fall frosts in 1974 resulted in state average corn yields 25% less than the trend value. Severe droughts in 1983, 1988 and 1991 resulted in yields 33%, 29% and 25% less than trend values.

Because the departures from trend for these four years are so dramatic, it is of some interest to calculate the trend line for corn grain yield without their inclusion. In so doing, the annual rate of yield increase is slightly greater (1.7 versus 1.6 bu/ac/yr) and the estimated trend yield for 2000 changes from 136.4 to nearly 142 bushels per acre (Fig. 3). Such values may be more true estimates of statewide yield potential in "normal" years.

Corn yield trends for Indiana - No disasters
Fig. 3

The top five U.S. corn grain producing states are Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, Minnesota and Indiana (Fig. 4). As of November 1999, these five states (6.194 million bushels) accounted for over 64 % of the total estimated grain yield for the U.S. in 1999 (9.537 million bushels).

U.S. Corn Production
Fig. 4

Interestingly, the trophy for top statewide yields per acre does not belong to any of these Midwestern states. Bragging rights for highest U.S. corn yields per acre belong to states farther to the west (Fig. 5). A few reasons for this include a) fewer cloudy and hazy days, b) less rainfall and humidity contributing to less disease, c) availability of irrigation, and d) fewer stressful hot nights during grainfill.

Fig. 5

For More Information...

For more statistics about Indiana agricultural production, "surf" on over to the home page of the Indiana Agricultural Statistics Service at

For more statistics on U.S. national crop production estimates, look at the National Agricultural Statistics Service Crop Production page on the Web.

Corn Growers GuidebookFor other information about corn, take a look at the Corn Growers Guidebook on the World Wide Web at

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© 2000, Purdue University
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