Photo Gallery:
Ridge Elem. School + Purdue GPS Field Exercise
(30 July 2001)
The following images were taken 30 July 2001 during the corn field
science day held at the Purdue Boiler Mazer corn maze under construction at the
site of the 2001 Farm
Progress Show.
Note: The 'thumbnail' images below are
linked to larger versions. Simply click on the image to 'pop up' a larger one
in a new browser screen. Close the 'pop up' screen to return to this

For More Information....
For more information about
geospatial technologies for crop production, take a look at Purdue's
Site-Specific Management Center on the World Wide Web at
For more
information about corn, take a look at the Corn Growers Guidebook on the World
Wide Web at http://www.kingcorn.org. For more information about corn
mazes, check out the Corny
Mazes section of KingCorn.org.
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© 2001, Purdue University
End of document