The Boiler Mazer was used as the setting for two GPS field exercises by students of Wea Ridge Elementary School in Tippecanoe County. Purdue staff and students collaborated with Ms. Jackie Wilson, Wea Ridge teacher, in preparing and conducting the GPS educational program. A 'dress rehearsal' was conducted on 30 July with a group of twelve fifth and sixth graders with prior classroom experience with GPS technologies and thirteen parents. On 5 September, approximately 100 fourth grade students participated in the same activities.
For more information about
geospatial technologies for crop production, take a look at Purdue's
Site-Specific Management Center on the World Wide Web at
For more
information about corn, take a look at the Corn Growers Guidebook on the World
Wide Web at For more information about corn
mazes, check out the Corny
Mazes section of