A Recipe for Crappy Stands of Corn

Every year, I get a lot of phone calls from folks wanting to know why
their neighbor's fields of corn ended up with such poor stands. Since some seem
so ecstatic about it happening to their neighbors, I figured they may want to
know how to create a crappy stand of corn themselves.
The following recipe will prepare one helping of crappy corn stand. Add
more acreage as desired.
- One (1) field, poorly drained, no-till is preferred.
- A hybrid of your choice, but poor seed quality and low vigor will
ensure success of recipe.
- Plant early, when soils have yet to reach 50oF.
- Add minimum of 0.5 to 1.0 inch of rain per week after planting.
- Maintain average daily soil temperatures at 50oF or less
for three weeks or more after planting.
- Add in a dash of seed rot or seedling blight organisms.
- Add in a pinch of wireworms or seedcorn maggots.
- Flavor with acetanilide herbicides as desired.
- Top off with a thick soil crust.
Will serve 6 people: (farmer, dealer, industry rep, seed dealer,
Extension Educator, university specialist)

For other information about corn, take a
look at the Corn Growers Guidebook on the World Wide Web at
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© 1996, Purdue University
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