Professional Experience
Professional Certifications
Departmental Service

Assistant Professor
Soil Geomorphology/Pedology
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907
Click here for Vita
8/97 – 12/01, Ph.D, Pedology,
Texas A&M
University, College Station, TX, 2001.
Major Professor: Larry P. Wilding, Professor Emeritus of Pedology.
Dissertation title: Inferring oxygen status in soils using iron metal
8/93 – 8/97, M.S., Pedology - University of Arkansas, Fayetteville,
AR, 1997.
Major Professor: E. Moye Rutledge, Professor of Pedology.
Thesis title: Occurrence of free-water and filter field performance
in an Aquic Hapludult.
8/88 – 5/93, B.S., Soil Science - University of Arkansas, Fayetteville,
AR, 1993.
Assistant Professor Agronomy Department, Purdue University, West Lafayette,
1/05 – present, 60% Research/25% Extension/15% Teaching
Conduct research that addresses complex environmental issues including
surface and ground water quality, land resource management, global
climate change and the identification, preservation and creation of
wetlands. This hydropedologic based research utilizes soil landscape
modeling coupled with remote sensing, terrain attribute analyses and
geostatistics to relate soil spatial variability to landscape scale
processes. Teach undergraduate and graduate classes in classic and
applied pedology. Educate the public on septic systems, online soil
resources and management of soil resources.
Research Soil Scientist USDA-ARS Waste Management Unit, Mississippi
State, MS,
1/03 – 1/05
Executed basic studies on soil quality, nutrient
speciation, mineralization rates, and soil nutrient balances with land
application of poultry litter and swine effluents. Determined quantity
and quality of surface water and subsurface water following litter
applications at a watershed scale. Evaluated the processes that effect
air quality emissions from poultry houses.
Congressional Science Fellow Office of U.S. Senator Blanche Lincoln,
Washington, DC, 1/02 – 12/02
Researched and wrote reports for pending environmental/agricultural
legislation and briefed the Senator for votes or meetings with constituents
regarding these subjects. Corresponded to constituent phone calls and
messages regarding environmental and agricultural issues. Attended and
reported on environmental and agricultural meetings sponsored by government
and non-government organizations.
Research Assistant Texas A&M University, Soil and Crop Sciences
Department, College Station TX,
8/97 – 12/01
Determined oxygen, ferrous iron, and manganese concentration along with
reduction-oxidation potential related to soil hydrology on the Texas
Coast Prairie. Developed a simple field technique to infer the oxygen
status of soils using zero valence, low-carbon steel rods. Utilized micromorphology
to understand and explain pedogenic processes.
Lecturer, Texas A&M University, Soil and Crop
Sciences Department, College Station, TX,
1/99 – 5/01
Develop curriculum and coursework for soil morphology and genesis. Prepared
and conducted lectures on soil morphology, genesis, and taxonomy. Developed
and taught a field lab on soil morphology, classification, and interpretations.
Research Specialist and Lecturer: University of Arkansas, Crop, Soil
and Environmental Sciences Department, Fayetteville, AR,
8/93 - 8/97
Oversaw and supervised research laboratory and field studies dealing with septic systems and soil classification. The soil characterization laboratory performed physical and chemical analyses that aided the National Cooperative Soil Survey of Arkansas. Developed and taught Soil Classification and Genesis Lab, Soils Laboratory, Hydrogeology Field Class, and technology transfers on describing and interpreting soils for the Arkansas Department of Health. Coached Collegiate Soil Judging Team: 3rd Place Team Region IV 1996, 2nd Place Team Region IV 1995,1st Place Team National 1995, 2nd Place Team Region IV 1994, 6th Place Team National 1994, 2nd Place Team Region IV 1993.
Soil Scientist Trainee: USDA-NRCS, Soil Survey Office, Nacogdoches,
5/91 – 8/91
Performed duties of a soil scientist by classifying
and mapping soils, and 5/92 – 8/92 making on-site recommendations.
- Indiana Registered Professional Soil Scientist, IRSS
- Arkansas Registered Professional Soil Classifier
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- American Society of Agronomy
- Indiana Association of Professional Soil Classifiers
- Soil Science Society of America
- 2007-2009 Chair of Hydropedology Working Group
2007-2009 with SSSA Division S-05.
- 2007 Member of the Sharkey Soil Research Review
team that reported to the Secretary of Agriculture.
- 2007 Developed symposium and submitted a report
on the Future Directions of the Soil Survey as the Committee Chair
at the USDA-Soil Survey National Meetings in Madison, WI.
- 2007 Co-editor of Special Issue of Catena Journal
- 2007 Reviewed book for Elsevier Press Titled
- 2006 Developed symposium at 2006
ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meetings: “High Intensity Soil Survey.”
- 2006-present Chair of the Future Directions of the Soil Survey National
- 2006-present Member of SSSA S-05 Soil Micromorpholgy Subcommittee
- 2005-present Chair NCERA-3 Future Directions of the Soil Survey
- 2005-present Chair NCERA-3 High Intensity Soil Survey Working Committee
- 2005-2008 Reviewer: Soil Science Society of America Journal, Catena
Journal, Geoderma, Journal of Environmental Quality, ASABE Journal,
International Journal of Remote Sensing and Global Planetary Change.
- 2005-2008 Reviewer: grants for University of California Davis, National
Science Foundation and University of Maryland.
- 2004-2005 USDA-ARS CRIS Leader for Refined P-Index
- Seminar session at the Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources
and Related Sciences (MANRS) Conference. “Graduate School 101 – What
you need to Know.” Jennifer Dennis, Brad Joern and Phillip Owens. March
28, 2008. Denver, CO.
- Gender Forum Workshop (Feb. 22-23, 2008)
- CSREES Review Committee (2007-2008)
- Support Staff Recognition Committee (2006)
- Departmental Head Advisory Committee Member, (2006-present)
- Multicultural Diversity Workshop (March 6-8, 2005)
Agriculture College Grade Appeals Committee (2005-present)
- Agronomy Harvest Reunion Committee (2005-present)
- Texas A&M Graduate Student Council Representative, 1999-2001
- Texas A&M Soils and Crop Sciences Graduate Student
Association: President, 1997-1998;
Vice President, 1998-1999
- University of Arkansas Agronomy Graduate Student Association:
President, 1995-1996;
Vice President, 1996-1997; Treasurer, 1994-1995
- University of Arkansas American Water Resources Association-Student
President, 1995-1996; Vice President, 1994-1995
- University of Arkansas Agronomy Club: President, 1991-1992; Vice President,
- Texas A&M Departmental Improvement Committee, 1999-2000
- Arkansas State Soil Committee, 1995
- University of Arkansas Agronomy Curriculum Committee, 1991-1992
- University of Arkansas Agronomy Freshman Scholarship Committee, 1991-1992
- ASA/AAAS Congressional Science Fellow, 2001
- First Place ASA S-9 Poster Competition, 1999
- Outstanding Agronomy Masters Student, 1996
- Eighth Place Individual, National Collegiate Soils Contest, 1993
- Outstanding Agronomy Senior, American Society of Agronomy, 1992
- First Place Individual, Region IV Soils Contest, 1992
- Second Place Individual, Region IV Soils Contest, 1990
- First Place Individual, Region IV Soils Contest, 1989