Aerial photo of WQFS plots during construction.
View down alleyway between plots of corn and soybeans.
ISCO samplers are used to take and store 250mL samples on programmed intervals.
The ISCO can be programmed to take samples at either timed intervals or after certain amounts of flow.
Every second tip of the tipping bucket flows across a catchment lid that captures 1/100 of a tip.
A flow meter counts tips to calculate flow and triggers the ISCO to sample at the appropriate time.
Getting a sample by hand for nutrient testing.
Samples were collected from flow off manured plots for E. coli testing. Samples are filtered and put on mFC plates.
Plate with colonies ready to be counted and filter-transfered. After isolating the colonies, tests are conducted to confirm E. coli.
Taking deep core samples for carbon study.
Backfilling sample holes with bentonite to prevent preferential flow.
ISCO samples to be used in TOC test for carbon study.
Filtering water samples for carbon study. Filters are first flushed with deionized water to remove excess carbon.
Along with various research projects, the field station is also used for educational events. NRCS Field Day, 2002.
Explaining research results on nutrient flows to CCA's and producers.
Grass plots are burned off every other year.
Who forgot the marshmallows?!
An egret checks out the plots.