The Electronic Watershed -
Accessible Environmental Data

Crawford County

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Publication Index for this county

usgs section divider bar
United States Geological Survey
USGS Indiana Water Resources
Bibliography of Indiana Water Resources Publications by County:
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  • Crawford county
    This is the end of the USGS section. Return to top data index

    IGS section divider
    The Indiana Geological Survey.
    To place an order or obtain more information on IGS publications call or EMAIL to:
    (812) 855-7636
    The Indiana Geological Survey publications for this area:
    PEM28A    Crawford County   Petroleum Exploration map showing
     well locations and total depths: ($2.00 each)
    PEM28C    Crawford County      County Petroleum Exploration map showing
     control on base of Beech Creek Limestone ($2.00 each)         

    This is the end of the IGS section. Return to top data index

    IDNR_DOW section divider
    The Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water.
    Ordering Publications from the List of Division of Water:

    Checks or money orders should be made payable to the Department of Natural Resources. (Please call 317-232-4181 for further information.)

    Department of Natural Resources
    Division of Water
    402 West Washington St., Rm. W264
    Indianapolis, Indiana 46204

    *We ship UPS and UPS does not deliver to post office boxes. Please provide street address or rural route number.

    The Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water publications for this area:
    Flood Plain Mapping 2' Contour (1"=2000') All maps are $1.50 per sheet
    Catalog # Map Name # of Sheets
    352 Whiskey Run at Marengo 7*
    (* = reduced copies)

    This is the end of the IDNR-DOW section. Return to top data index

    SPEA section divider
    The Environment, Planning, and Regulation Publication Listing, of the Center for Urban Policy and the Environment (IUPUI-SPEA):
    If you would like any of these publications, you may order by:
    E-Mail at
    Mail - Shannon Cooper; Center for Urban Policy and the Environment; Indiana University; 342 N.
    Senate Avenue; Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
    Fax - 317-261-3050 by attention: Shannon Cooper.
    Phone - 317-261-3011 by Shannon Cooper

    All orders will be sent to you within 2-4 weeks with invoice included. Shipping and handling charges will be added to your total.
    Publications on this area:

    This is the end of the SPEA section. Return to top data index

    This is the end of the data listing for this county.
    Return to:
  • The county index.
  • The Electronic Watershed Main Page.

    This index constructed and maintained by:
    Larry Theller for:
    The Electronic Watershed-Accessible Environmental Data.

    The indexing is our effort, and does not reflect offical work by the sources.

    Any mistakes in assigning publications to regions or counties are mine.
    I welcome your comments at: