Examples of Current and Recent Research Projects:
Cropping system modification (tillage, crop rotation, nutrient management,
etc.) to improve profitability, soil stewardship, and long-term
sustainability of corn and soybean.
Physiological aspects of stress tolerance in new transgenic corn hybrids
(Ph.D. graduate students Ignacio Ciampitti and Yanbing Xia).
Micronutrient management in glyphosate-resistant soybean production systems
(M.Sc. graduate student Yanbing Xia)
Genetic mechanisms underlying the response of corn (hybrids and inbreds) to
increased plant density (Ph.D. graduate student M. Gonzalo)
physiology studies on plant-to-plant variability in corn resulting from
management practices: Influence of plant density and nitrogen rate on growth
and developmental uniformity in corn (Ph.D. graduate student C. Boomsma)
Conservation tillage effects on plant-to-plant variability in corn (graduate
students J. Brewer and C. Boomsma)
Phosphorus and potassium placement methods in conservation tillage systems
for corn in high yield environments (M.Sc. graduate student M. Canepa).
Soybean row width and plant population impacts on remote sensing (graduate
student J. Alsdorf)
Conservation tillage and crop rotation effects on C + N
sequestration/emissions, crop response, and soybean cyst nematode incidence
(the latter with Dr. A. Westphal, Julius Kuhn Institute, Germany)
Precision steering (RTK) implications for corn management (e.g. strip
tillage and N band placement relative to corn rows)
Vertical tillage systems for corn production.
- Extension Coordinator for Agronomy Department, Purdue
University (2003-2005)
- Provide technical information on cropping systems to
farmers, county educators and industry agronomists
- Develop continuing education materials on
conservation-tillage planting systems
- Interact with state extension specialists
- Chair of Cropping Systems Common Interest Group at
Purdue University