Research and Extension Responsibilities:


Dr. Vyn, Terry West and Alicia West checking corn seed depth in no-till plots in 2012

Dr. Vyn looking at drought-stressed corn in June, 2012

Examples of Current and Recent Research Projects: 

  • Cropping system modification (tillage, crop rotation, nutrient management, etc.) to improve profitability, soil stewardship, and long-term sustainability of corn and soybean.
  • Physiological aspects of stress tolerance in new transgenic corn hybrids (Ph.D. graduate students Ignacio Ciampitti and Yanbing Xia).
  • Micronutrient management in glyphosate-resistant soybean production systems (M.Sc. graduate student Yanbing Xia)
  • Genetic mechanisms underlying the response of corn (hybrids and inbreds) to increased plant density (Ph.D. graduate student M. Gonzalo)
  • Corn physiology studies on plant-to-plant variability in corn resulting from management practices: Influence of plant density and nitrogen rate on growth and developmental uniformity in corn (Ph.D. graduate student C. Boomsma)
  • Conservation tillage effects on plant-to-plant variability in corn (graduate students J. Brewer and C. Boomsma)
  • Phosphorus and potassium placement methods in conservation tillage systems for corn in high yield environments (M.Sc. graduate student M. Canepa).
  • Soybean row width and plant population impacts on remote sensing (graduate student J. Alsdorf)
  • Conservation tillage and crop rotation effects on C + N sequestration/emissions, crop response, and soybean cyst nematode incidence (the latter with Dr. A. Westphal, Julius Kuhn Institute, Germany)
  • Precision steering (RTK) implications for corn management (e.g. strip tillage and N  band placement relative to corn rows)
  • Vertical tillage systems for corn production.


  • Extension Coordinator for Agronomy Department, Purdue University (2003-2005)
  • Provide technical information on cropping systems to farmers, county educators and industry agronomists
  • Develop continuing education materials on conservation-tillage planting systems
  • Interact with state extension specialists
  • Chair of Cropping Systems Common Interest Group at Purdue University

Background Information:

B.Sc. (Agr.) - University of Guelph (1976)
M.Sc. - University of Guelph (1978)
Ph.D. - University of Guelph (1987)

Date joined Purdue's staff:  August 1998
Effort distribution:  60% research, 40% extension

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