graduate students and visiting scholars, 2010 Dr. Vyn with post-doc and visiting scholars in 2010
Dr. Vyn and Ph.D. graduate students in 2012     Dr. Vyn and M.S. graduate students in 2012

Current Graduate Students and Research Projects:

Keru (Vanessa) Chen, Ph.D. Physiology of older versus modern hybrid tolerances to nitrogen and plant density stress factors.

Peter Kovacs, Ph.D.  Maize plant uniformity and Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE) studies associated with anhydrous ammonia application in automatic guidance systems.

Amanda de Oliveira Silva. M.S. Greenhouse gas emissions and nitrogen use efficiency in alternate corn production systems.

Jason Roth, M.S.  Drought tolerant hybrid corn response to nitrogen and plant density stress in NW Indiana. 

Argentina graduate students with Tony Vyn (June, 2005) Graduate students present with Dr. Vyn, North Central ASA Conference, Moline, IL, March 16-17, 2004  
Graduate Advisory Committee at the Ph.D. Oral Exam of Yanbing Xia (September, 2012) Dr. Vyn with Graduate Students and Visiting Scholars in 2010

Recent Graduate

Yanbing Xia, Ph.D. Photosynthesis-related physiological responses of field-grown maize to plant density and nitrogen stress during vegetative and reproductive growth stages. (Ph.D. completed December, 2012).

Ignacio Ciampitti, Ph.D. A comprehensive study of plant density consequences on nitrogen uptake dynamics and Nitrogen use efficiency of manize plants grown at varying N levels from vegetative to reproductive stages. (Ph.D. completed in August, 2012).

Juan Pablo Burzaco. M.S. Nitrification inhibitor effects on maize plant and nitrous oxide emission responses to urea ammonium-nitrate applications. (M.S. completed May, 2012).

Chris Boomsma, Ph.D.  Intra-specific Competition and Growth and Developmental Uniformity in Maize: Plant Density and Nitrogen Rate Effects.  (Ph.D. Thesis completed in June, 2009). 

Yanbing Xia, M.S.  Soybean plant responses to glyphosate and manganese in glyphostate-resistant production systems.  MS thesis completed in December, 2009. Yanbing is now a Ph.D. student in my program.

Jared Alsdorf, M.S. 2008.  Remote sensing of soybean at different row widths and population densities.  MS Thesis, Purdue University.  Major advisors Dr. Tony J. Vyn and Dr. Johannsen

Matias Canepa, M.S. 2007.  Strip-Till Corn Response to Deep Placement of Phosphorus and Potassium.  MS Thesis, Purdue University.  Major Advisor: Dr. Tony J. Vyn

Martin Gonzalo, Ph.D. 2006.  Determination of the Genetic Basis for Responses to Plant Population Density in Maize.  (co-advised by Dr. Lauren McIntyre and Dr. Tony Vyn)

Jason Brewer, M.S. Non-Thesis, 2006.  (co-advised with Dr. Lauren McIntyre). Major Paper: Tillage Effects on Plant-to-Plant Variability in Growth, Development and Yield in Corn: A Longitudinal Analysis.

Anita Gal. 2005. Depth Dependency of Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Changes with Long-term Tillage Systems.  MS Thesis, Purdue University.  Major Advisor: Dr. Tony J. Vyn

Ann Kline. 2005.  Corn Response to Deep Banding of Phosphorus and Potassium in High Yield Production Systems.  MS Thesis, Purdue University.  Major Advisor: Dr. Tony J. Vyn

Ignacio Victor Conti. 2005.  No-till Soybean Responses to Phosphorus and Potassium Placement and Associated Crop Management in Prior Corn.  MS Thesis, Purdue University.  Major Advisor: Dr. Tony J. Vyn

Mercedes Murua. 2002. Polymer Seed Coating Effects on Feasiblity of Early Planting in Corn.  MS Thesis, Purdue University.  Advisor: Dr. Tony J. Vyn

Award Winning Graduate Students!  
Dr. Vyn with Post-doc and Visiting Scholars in 2010  

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