What does color mean?

In subsoil horizons, color reflects the natural drainage conditions. For instance, in well and moderately well-drained soils, soil development is indicated by more reddish or brownish colors in the B horizon than in the C horizon.

Grayish colors in the subsoil reflect wet soil conditions. In poorly-drained soils the subsoils are predominantly gray. In somewhat poorly drained soils, the subsoils are dominantly brownish with gray mottles. Mottles are flecks or spots of one soil color in a background or matrix of another color.

Using the Munsell color chart

To determine surface soil color, select a sample from the center of the surface. Crush moist soil material between your fingers and compare it with a Munsell color chart (shown here). Mark Gray, Brownish, or Dark on the scorecard accordingly.

Note: Many Indiana surface horizons have colors between 10YR 3/3 and 10YR 4/3. If the color is near this class boundary, or other boundaries, official judges should give the Munsell designation on the site card.

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