Purdue Agronomy On-Line!
Created 2/15/99

Cyberspace & Agricultural Technology Transfer:
An Indiana Experience

A presentation of issues relevant to the
use of WWW technologies for agricultural technology transfer.
For more corn-related information on the Web, check out the
Corn Growers Guidebook at the URL:

Click here to start

Table of Contents

Cyberspace & Agricultural Technology Transfer: An Indiana Experience

My objective today...

“Way back” in the early ‘90s...

Brick walls until...

Before I continue, let me say this…

The “old” tools mostly still work…

But, Cyberspace has some advantages...

No room for turf protection...

Cyberspace challenges...

Cyberspace challenges...

Cyberspace challenges...

Cyberspace challenges...

Searching for “corn”

Searching for “corn”

Cyberspace challenges...

Cyberspace challenges...

During the past 4 years...

During the past 4 years...

During the past 4 years...

Corn Growers’ Guidebook www.agry.purdue.edu/ext/corn/

Guidebook’s Audience

Success of the Guidebook?

Corn Growers’ Guidebook Number of PAGE requests per week

Nielsen’s Corny Web Site Number of total PAGE requests per month

Bottom line...

Bottom line...

Bottom line...

Bottom line...

Author: RLNielsen

Email: rnielsen@purdue.edu

Home Page: http://www.agry.purdue.edu/ext/corn/rln-bio.htm

Other information:
Professor of Agronomy
Extension Corn Specialist
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1150

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