The Boiler Mazer Team
Such an a-maize-ing project doesn't happen by itself. Many people
contributed towards the success of the Boiler Mazer and are hereby recognized.
Maze Masters
The following individuals have contributed ideas and labor towards the
design, construction, and maintenance of the Boiler Mazer, and have thus
attained the exalted rank of Maze Masters:
- Purdue Agronomy:
- R.L. (Bob) Nielsen, Ben Southard, Keith Morris, Kenton Ross, Ignacio
Colonna, Brenda Hofmann, Adam Brock, Dave Sorrells, Niki Fink, Gretchen
Humphrey, Lisa Schumm, and Melanie Thom.
- Purdue Ag.
& Biological Engineering:
- Sam Parsons, Dan Ess
- Purdue Ag.
- Dana Neary, Sharon Katz, Steve Leer
- Purdue
Ag. Centers:
- Steve Hawkins, Jay Young
- Purdue
Purchasing Services:
- Rick Bradley
- Stonecipher
- Jason Stonecipher (Purdue ag. alumnus, Vermillion County)
- Wea Ridge
Elementary School
- Jackie Wilson

Maze Media Wizards
In recognition for their aid in recording and promoting the activities
of the Boiler Mazer, the following individuals are hereby assigned the rank of
Maze Media Wizard:
- Purdue Ag. Communications:
- Joan Crow, Tom Campbell, Beth Forbes, Olivia Maddox, and Mike Kerper
(video & still photography)
- Purdue
News Service article
- Purdue
Ag News article
- WLFI, TV-18, Lafayette:
- Gina Quattrocchi, Brien Compton (television coverage)
- WASK Radio, Lafayette:
- Skip Davis (Radio coverage)
- Indiana Prairie Farmer:
- Tom Bechman (farm magazine coverage)
- Story Link
- Purdue Agronomy
- Bill McFee, Craig Beyrouty, Charlie Roth, Erika Micheli (aerial

For More Information....
more information about geospatial technologies for crop production, take a look
at Purdue's Site-Specific Management Center on the World Wide Web at
For more
information about corn, take a look at the Corn Growers Guidebook on the World
Wide Web at For more information about corn
mazes, check out the Corny Mazes
section of
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© 2001, Purdue University
End of document