Restricted Noxious Weeds 
Agronomy 105's Weed ID
Horsenettle is a perennial plant that reproduces by both seeds and via a creeping root system.  It is a serious weed throughout all of Indiana and parts of Illinois and prefers light, sandy soils over heavy, poorly drained soils. 
Horsenettle leaves will have spines located on their undersides along the midrib.  Spines can also be found on the stems of the plant.  Without the spines, these leaves would look very much like potato leaves.  In fact, Horsenettle and potato are members of the same plant family.  Horsenettle can be differentiated from the thistles because it has spines on its leaf midrib while thistle spines are located on leaf margins. 
The seed pods of Horsenettle look like small, green tomatoes (Horsenettle is also a relative of tomato). 
The seeds are orange to yellow in color and irregularly shaped and flattened.