Restricted Noxious Weeds
Agronomy 105's Weed ID
Field peppergrass
Field peppergrass acts as either a winter annual or a biennial.  The plant is usually less than 2 feet tall, reproduces by seed and has a shallow taproot.  It is a severe weed in Michigan, the northern 2/3 of Indiana and most of Ohio.  It is a problem in small grain fields, roadways, waste areas, and pastures.  At the base of the plant, the small leaves will be arrow shaped. 
The flowers of this plant are very small and white in color.  Each plant will contain numerous seed heads. 
The seeds are small, dark brown and have a rough seed coat.  They are also generally pointed at one end and may be indented on one side.  Field peppergrass seeds are darker, rougher, and more pointed than Perennial peppergrass seeds.