Nutrient Management
Nitrogen and the Environment - Agronomic Factors and Environmetal Consequences of Nitrogen
Management Practices
- Gyles Randall, University of Minnesota
N Fertilization - Why Revise N Rate Recommendations
- Emerson Nafziger, University of Illinois
High Yield Corn Systems - Management Practices for Achieving High Corn Yields
- Achim Dobermann, University of Nebraska
Nitrogen Recommendations Based on Local Databases
- Scott Murrell, Potash & Phosphate Institute
Predictability of Yield Response to P and K Application Based on Soil Test Levels - Probability and
Magnitude of Yield Response to P and K Application Based on Critical Soil Fertility Levels vs. Yield
- George Van Scoyoc, Purdue University
Re-evaluation of K Recommendations
- Antonio Mallarino, Iowa State University
Review Starter Fertilizers - How Does Starter Fertilizer Fit With Today's Crop Production Systems
- Dick Wolkowski, University of Wisconcin
High Yield Soybeans - Foliar Application of Micronutrients on High Yield Soybeans
- Valtren Jurin, Brandt Consilidated Inc.
Soil and Water Management
Strip Tillage for Corn: New Developments for Successful Adoption
- Tony Vyn, Purdue University
Conservation Security Program (CSP): Maximizing Opportunities for Your Customers
- David Hines, NRCS
Soil Erosion: So You Really Know What Happens?
- Mark Evans, Purdue Extension
Using the Conservation Tillage Transect: Overcoming No-Till Barriers to Grow Your Customer Base
- Barry Fisher, NRCS
Drainage Management - Benefits Down the Drain: Improving Water Quality and Crop Yields by
Managing Drainage
- Dan Jaynes, National Soil Tith Lab
Soil Quality & Organic Matter - Trash, Residue or Fertility in Limbo
- Michael Plumer, University of Illinois
Tillage Effects - Tillage Effects on Gas Exchange and Soil Organic Matter
- Don Riecosky, USDA-ARS
Riparian and Buffer Strips: Optimizing Managment - Conservation Buffers -- Benefits for Everyone!
- Joe Williams, NRCS & Brian Miller, Purdue University
Pest Management
Seed Treatments - What Can We Expect in Terms of Broad-Spectrum Control of Soil Insects?
- Marlin Rice, Iowa State University
First Detector - CCA's As First Detectors -- An Integral Component of the National Plant Diagnostic
- Gail Ruhl, Purdue University & Karen Rane, Purdue University
Indiana Weed Management Issues in 2004 - Glyphosate Resistance in Crops and Weeds -- Issues to Consider for 2005?
- Bill Johnson, Purdue University
Difficult Weeds - Difficult to Control Weeds in Corn, Soybean, and Alfalfa
- Bill Curran, Penn State University
New Uses of Fungicide in Soybeans
- Don Hershman, University of Kentucky
Current and Emerging Issues in Field Crop Insect Management
- Kevin Steffey, University of Illinois
Management of Vertebrate Pests - Vertebrate Outlaws in Your Crops
- Judy Loven, USDA APHIS
Foliar Fungicides for Control of Soybean Rust- How Do They Actually Work?
- Wayne Pederson, University of Illinois
Crop Management
Remote Sensing - Opportunities for Crop Management
- John Shananan, University of Nebraska
Drought Stress - Drought Stressed Kernel Secrets: For Your Ears Only
- Stephen Strachan, Pioneer
Corn Hybrids - Developing Corn Hybrids With New Traits
- Kendall Lamkey, Iowa State University
Corn Growth - Soil Microbial Communities and Early Season Corn Growth
- Jane Johnson, USDA-ARS
Auto-Steer - Auto Steer Opportunities for Crop Management
- Jess Lowenberg-DeBoer, Purdue University
Physiology in Corn - Nitrogen Use by the Corn Plant -- Room for Improvement
- Fred Below, University of Illinois
Pollination Stress - Pollination Stress & Kernel Set in Corn
- Mark Westgate, Iowa State University
Soybean Yields - Profitable Soybean Management, 2005
- Jim Beuerlein, The Ohio State University
Self Study (1.0 CEU available for each when completed)
Value of More Uniform N Application Across the Toolbar
- Fulgence Mishili and Jess Lowenberg-DeBoer, Purdue University
Managed Drainage for Higher Yields: Don't Let Tile Drains Run All Year Long
- Jess Lowenberg-DeBoer, Bokar Moussa, Jane Frankenberger and Eileen Kladivko, Purdue University
Picking and Chosing: GMO Traits Available in Corn and Soybeans
- Larry Bledsoe & John Obermeyer, Purdue University
Avoiding Genetic Contamination of Non-GMO Grain
- Bob Nielsen, Purdue University
CEU Application Instructions
CEU Application Form
CEU Standards Document