MapWindow GIS + MMP Tools

MapWindow GIS + MMP Tools is a free GIS that can be used as a front-end to MMP.

Here are the recommended steps for developing a comprehensive nutrient management plan (CNMP) with MapWindow GIS and MMP:
  1. Use the University of Missouri Web-based "clipper" application to zoom in on your farm and download the clipped GIS base layers as a .zip file. The clipper will also create a RUSLE2 database (.gdb) for your farm and include it in the .zip file.

  2. In MapWindow GIS, choose MMP Tools | New Farm Project | From Clipper Zip File and select the .zip file downloaded in step 1, then navigate to where you want your project and enter a name for the project. MMP Tools will create the new project's folder, unzip the .zip file, and copy the GIS files and RUSLE2 database to the project folder.

    Now draw your fields, sensitive features, and conservation practices. You can also import fields, features and practices if they have already been digitized (see the MMP Tools | Import menu).

  3. When you've finished your GIS linework in MapWindow, choose MMP Tools | Export | Create MMP Plan and export your fields and soils to MMP. Use the suggested name for your MMP plan file (.mmp).

    Now start entering the rest of your data in MMP. On the Crops panel, click the RUSLE2 button to see that MMP has located your project's RUSLE2 database file (.gdb).

  4. When you've finished developing your nutrient management plan in MMP, work with NRCS to develop a CNMP conservation plan. Once the conservation plan has been finalized, NRCS can use their Customer Service Toolkit software to export the producer's data to an XML file for you (.xml). This XML file will contain one or more conservation plans.

    In MMP, use Tools | Import | Get Conservation Plan From Toolkit XML File and select the Toolkit XML file (.xml), then select the conservation plan(s) that apply to the CNMP. MMP will create a .consplan.xml file in your project folder containing only the selected conservation plan(s). This file will be used by MMP in the next step.

  5. In MMP, choose Tools | Custom and expand the National USDA-NRCS Format Document Maker and National CNMP Documents, then double-click Make CNMP Document. MMP will generate a draft CNMP document (.nat-cnmp.doc) and open the CNMP document in Microsoft Word. Note that if you have a .consplan.xml file in your project folder, MMP will find it and insert the CNMP conservation plan(s) into the CNMP document.

    In Word, add the additional text and other information required to finish the CNMP document. Refer to MMP's Nat_Plan_Instructions.doc for help (available under Tools | Custom).

    To add maps to a Word document, use MapWindow GIS to copy a map to the Windows clipboard (Edit | Copy | Map); in Word, you can then paste the map into the CNMP document.

  6. When all done, you can archive your project folder's files using MapWindow GIS. Choose MMP Tools | Manage Project | Archive a Project and select your project's MapWindow project file (.mwprj). MMP Tools will zip up all of the project folder's files into a file with an extension. If you followed the above steps, this archive file will include all of the files used to develop the CNMP. You can back up this file or move it to another computer. To restore an archived file on another computer, choose MMP Tools | Manage Project | Restore an Archived Project and select the file.

  7. If you need to submit data files along with the CNMP document, do the following:

Click here to send e-mail if you have problems downloading or installing the software

Last updated: Nov. 23, 2011

Copyright © 2011 Purdue Research Foundation